I Drank a Nearly 4 Litres of Water a Day for 3 Weeks and Why Ill Never Do It Again

In the middle of a calendar week of unrelenting rainfall, I decided to beverage more water.

The rain had done an excellent task of advertizement water, plus I'd recently wondered how much exactly I was supposed to drink each mean solar day. Everyone e'er says to drinkable more than water, but how much more?

I shortly learned the Australian Dietary Guidelines recommends women drink 2.1 litres of water a 24-hour interval (8 cups or slightly more for anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding), and men are 2.vi litres (10 cups). Bluntly, this sounded similar a total-time task. One which required many bath breaks.

But it's a very necessary full-time job, because adults lose betwixt 2.5 to 3 litres of water a twenty-four hours, and tin can only survive a few days without h2o, co-ordinate to Better Health.

I asked Dr Sandro Demaio, CEO of VicHealth, why this was the case.

"Water is required for almost all our bodily functions, including regulating our temperature and transporting blood," he says.

"Being dehydrated can impact our memory, ability to focus, stay active and to complete our day-to-twenty-four hour period routine. Staying hydrated tin too assistance preclude overeating and mindless snacking — information technology's piece of cake to fault our thirst for hunger pangs."

I also learned from Dr Demaio that the human body is made up of sixty per cent h2o. No wonder it's so hard to get things done sometimes: we're just large sacks of H20 held together by skin!

In any case, my goal was to drink 8 cups of h2o a solar day, at 250ml a cup, for a week. Things such as tea and coffee (and any other drinks, really) do count towards those eight cups, only the Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend well-nigh of that amount to exist made upward of plain water.

The less-than-scientific experiment begins

A woman holds a glass of water on her lap, attempting to drink the recommended amount over the day.

The first glass of many for the day.( Pexels: Lisa Fotios )

Before starting this loftier-stakes experiment, I was drinking water probably three or four times a mean solar day when I felt thirsty, also as having the occasional java and endless pots of tea.

I decided to follow the guidelines and commit to 8 cups of water on pinnacle of whatsoever coffee or tea I'd consume.

Get-go, I assembled all my drinking vessels (cups, glasses, mugs, thermos), and observed they all held more than 250ml of water. It appeared that I would have to be a drinking glass-one-half-empty kind of person for the next vii days.

I filled a glass with tap water and drank to my proficient health. Cup #one of 56 for the calendar week went down smoothly, with subtle high notes of currants (from the hot cross bun I'd just eaten) and a well-rounded and wet palatableness.

A one-person drinking game

I idea it was going to exist like shooting fish in a barrel, only it's really really hard to think to drink water. Commonly I take a sip when I'1000 thirsty, but I never aim for the goal of drinking ii litres of information technology in a solar day.

It probably explains why in that location are apps that remind you to hydrate regularly, because the prospect of drinking two litres of h2o at once is difficult to eat.

I determine to drink ii cups of h2o four times a twenty-four hour period: first thing when I wake upward, then at 11am, 3pm, and 6pm. I set the alarms on my telephone and when the beginning one goes off at 11am, I'one thousand in the eye of taking a sip of tea.

"Uh oh," I think to myself. "Take I bitten off more than than I tin can chew, simply with liquids?"

I drink two cups of h2o and feel very at one with the rain that's beating against the window. I too feel very full, and cannot imagine a time in the near futurity where I could possibly be thirsty.

When the alarm goes off at 3pm, I fill a large glass and identify information technology on the desk where I'k working. I realise I don't accept to drink it all at once; I simply accept to drink it before 6pm. At which betoken I will accept to drink two glasses of water again. I estimate I accept a hobby at present, and it's one I never thought I would "tap" into.

What I learned from hydrating for a week

Now that I have an idea of how much two litres is, I'll keep drinking lots of water, only I probably won't set an alarm to remind me to do it.

To me, it notwithstanding feels like a lot of liquids to be consuming in i solar day, but I do experience cleaner for information technology, as if the water is washing my insides. I know that's not the medical term for it, but this experience has made me very grateful for my torso which knows how to do all the right things when I give information technology a lot of h2o to drinkable.

The adept news from Dr Demaio is that you're meliorate off judging your thirst levels by listening to your body and observing the colour of your urine to determine if you are dehydrated, rather than being overly prescriptive with an 8-cup-a-day dominion.

He also recommends a few ways of making sure y'all drink enough h2o:

  • Add together a clasp of lime or mint leaves to your water if you're looking for variety
  • Exist intentional about staying hydrated and carry a water bottle with you lot
  • Have a drinking glass of water with every repast or snack
  • Start your day with a glass of water

That I can drink to. To your wellness!

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Source: https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/i-tried-drinking-8-cups-of-water-a-day/100023052

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