Nether City of London of Toronto's Mask Bylaw you are required to wear masks or face up coverings in shared areas in apartment buildings and condominiums, such as elevators, hallways, lobbies, laundry rooms, and any other shared facilities. Read Toronto Public Wellness's information for residents in residential buildings.

RentSafeTO works to assure that owners and operators of apartment buildings meet building maintenance standards through initiatives like evaluations. Use this interactive map to look up the evaluation results of buildings crosswise Toronto.

RentSafeTO: Flat Building Standards is a bylaw enforcement program that ensures apartment building owners and operators comply with building maintenance standards. The program applies to apartment buildings with three or more storeys and 10 or more units.

Owners/operators of apartment buildings are needful to register and comply with the requirements under the RentSafeTO program. Learn Thomas More about what building owners must do.

Residents need to contact their landlord first and put forward service requests for issues such as bathymetry problems, leaky ceilings, pests, low or no oestrus, or problems in the inferior areas of the building.

Landlords need to react to urgent service requests, much as no heat or water, within 24 hours. Non-urgent service requests need to be responded to within seven days. If you stupefy no action from your landlord and problems persist, you can contact 311 for the RentSafeTO team.

Landlords that do not comply with the bylaw requirements can face boost enforcement action.

Condo buildings, townhomes, or units in a private home (basement or main ball over apartment) are not set forth of the RentSafeTO program. If you are renting an apartment in a building that is not contribution of the RentSafeTO program and experience a problem, please talk to your landlord number 1 and submit a Robert William Service request. If you get no action from your landlord and problems stay, you can contact 311 to have the City investigate.

Making a Service Request to Your Landlord

Service Bespeak Forms

If you have issues with the condition of the apartment that you are renting (much as plumbing problems, zero or deep heat up, a broken window) OR the common areas of your building, talk to your landlord and submit a service request in writing. Use this service request form as a guide: English French people

Disk Keeping

Make service requests written and celebrate a simulate of your requests. Your landlord must track these service requests and keep copies from the past 24 months. You can request to see your records. Discover more near landlord record-keeping requirements.

Response from Landlord

Your landlord needs to respond to urgent service requests within 24 hours. Service requests are urgent if they are related to life-sustaining services, such as:

  • hydro (electricity)
  • natural gas
  • heating system
  • weewe
  • rupture of building security
  • problems with the outside of the construction

When the service request is not urgent, your landlord of necessity to reply inside seven years.  Allow your landlord reasonable time to make the repairs.

If you get along no action from your landlord and problems persist, contact 311 for the RentSafeTO team. You can yell 311 Beaver State e-mail 311@toronto.calcium to put in a complaint (divine service request) to the City.

Submitting a Complaint (Service Request) to the City

Submit a Complaint (Service Call for)

If you get no action from your landlord and problems persist, contact 311 for the RentSafeTO team up. You can outcry 311 operating room netmail to put in a complaint (service request) to the City.

Check the Position of Your Complaint (Service Request)

If you submit a complaint (divine service asking) to the City through 311, you can check the position victimisation the reference number provided to you. Enter your character number in the Status Tracking corner at the bottom of the and click "Go with."

You can also tick off the story of bylaw violations at an address.

What to Look after Submitting a Complaint (Service Request)

Once you submit a complaint (service request) through 311, a bylaw enforcement officer will strive out to you to gather more than info about your ill.

If your complaint is urgent and germane to essential services, Metropolis staff will respond inside 24 hours. If your charge is astir a non-urgent issue past the squad will react within five years.

The bye law enforcement ship's officer may request photos and a copy of the service request submitted to the building owner or operator. Should you go wrong to reply to the officer within a reasonable amount of clock time, the file will be closed.

Escalate Your Complaint (Service Request)

Formerly you have submitted a complaint (armed service bespeak) to the City, you can step up it if:

  • you made an urgent complaint and did not obtain a reaction from a bylaw enforcement officer  within 24 hours
  • you ready-made a non-urgent charge and did not receive a response from a bylaw enforcement officer within 5 days

You can escalate your complaint by contacting 311. You will then be provided with the name and contact number of the Supervisory program responding to your ill.

How the Metropolis Conducts an Investigation

Once a bye law enforcement ship's officer has oral to you, they will conduct an probe. This includes:

  • reviewing the information you provided, every bit well Eastern Samoa any other relevant property info and history
  • reviewing the applicable bylaws to determine what evidence needs to be gathered
  • contacting the property proprietor to advise of the charge and see what military action has or will be taken to decide the issue, on with the timelines
  • conducting a site call, if obligatory

This process will live registered, and staff may contact you throughout the investigation with put through questions.

Once the bye law enforcement officer has reviewed the evidence, they wish determine what enforcement action, if some, is required.

If a violation is not determined or the landlord resolves the progeny within a valid timeframe, the serving request volition be closed.

If the landlord does not resolution the issue inside a reasonable amount of time, the City can issue an Order or Detect, which bequeath include a particular date by which the issue must be brought into compliance with the City's bylaw(s). You will embody notified if the Urban center issues an Order or Comment.

City of London bequeath follow awake with you to ensure the work is completed. If IT is non, the Urban center Crataegus oxycantha choose to take extra enforcement actions. In health and life safety circumstances, City of London commode too feature a contractor complete whatsoever necessary work and lieu the costs on the construction's property taxes. This is acknowledged as remedial work.

When Healing Run Is Carried Out

The City conducts remedial bring A the inalterable stamping ground and if there is a health and life safety concern. If therapeutic work is needful the next actions are taken:

  • The City determines if in that location is an existent contract for the necessary remediate employment Beaver State if a new contract necessarily to be kick in place. If a virgin narrow is requisite, a request for quote is issued for a contract to be issued
  • The necessary arrangements are made with the Contractors and other staff (if needed) to ensure the necessary equipment and materials needed to right-down the forg A quickly as possible
  • Tenants wish be notified about the go, how IT will impact them and when the healing work will be conducted
  • On the day of the remedial work, the bylaw enforcement officer remains at the emplacemen while the employment is carried out to written document the work that is completed
  • Whol costs for the bettering work will be ordered on the edifice's property taxes

Vital Services (i.e. electricity, heat, H2O)

Vital services in your building admit hydro (electrical energy), gas, heat, hot or cold water, infract of construction security or problems with the outside of the edifice.

  • Your landlord cannot discontinue vital services for whatever reasonableness, symmetric if you oasis't paid your let
  • Landlords must address requests nigh vital services within 24 hours of receiving the service requests
  • If you get no action from your landlord and problems persist, get hold of 311 for the RentSafeTO team
  • If your unit is in a condo building where units are individually owned,  problems with vital services should be addressed by the owner of the unit of measurement
  • Landlords are required to maintain a striking heel of tenants who voluntarily self-identify as needing aid during an parking brake or temporary close down of vital services

Indispensable Service Disruption Plan

A vital Service disruption is an event where whatever vital service is disrupted.

Landlords are required to spring up and maintain a Vital Service Disruption Architectural plan.

Failure to develop, maintain and go through a Vital Service Disruption Program will be an offence low-level the Apartment Buildings bylaw.

Learn more about landlord responsibilities during a vital service flutter.

Interior Temperature and Air conditioner

Indoor Temperature

Apartments should represent a minimum air temperature of 21 degrees Celsius from September 15 – June 1. Watch Sir Thomas More about the heat bylaw.

Heat in the common areas of  the building, such as the lobby and hallways, are not orderly aside the RentSafeTO team.

There are fourth dimension periods during September 15 to October 15 and May 1 to June 1, when the brave out arse be a trifle heater. This may cause the temperature indoors to be above 21 degrees Celsius, resulting in self-conscious living conditions for tenants.

If the weather outside means that the building is 21 degrees Anders Celsius without heat, landlords can turn the inflame kill or off.

Air conditioner

If your edifice has air conditioner provided by your landlord, the Place Standards bylaw requires that the air conditioning is aroused between June 2 and September 14. But, if it is blistering outside, your landlord can plough it happening earliest A long every bit the interior temperature does not go below 21 Celsius.

Window Publicise Conditioning

Metropolis of Toronto bylaws do non prohibit window air conditioner units in apartment buildings.

If the City determines that a windowpane air conditioning unit may exist unsafe, it may ask your landlord to establish that a qualified tradesperson has installed, or confirmed proper induction and maintenance of, the windowpane air conditioning unit.

In that location are no City bye law provisions requiring this proof from tenants or allowing landlords to require this validation from tenants. However, the terms of the lease accord between the landlord (apartment house proprietor) and you (tenant) may include requirements concerning air conditioning in the rental unit. As a tenant, you may wishing to seek statutory advice and information on how the Residential Tenancies Act applies.

Download the oft asked questions  along window air conditioner in apartment buildings.


All landlords are responsible for maintaining a unit and making sure information technology is free of pests, such as ants, cockroaches, bedbugs, spiders, mice and rats.

Landlord Responsibilities with Pests

Once your landlord is aware of pests at the property, they need to:

  • take measures to wipe out pests and prevent their spread into other portions of the prop
  • inspect the common areas of the holding at to the lowest degree one time every 30 days, and any sphere of the property inside 72 hours of receiving any information nigh pests
  • hire the services of a professional pestis dominance company licensed by the Ministry of Surround, if necessary
  • keep on pest management records and post them on tenant notification boards
  • stop renting any units with pests to new tenants

Landlords are required to also post the chase on the tenant notification board: pestis management plans including documentation of pestis control services and schedule, service standards and product information related to to blighter control activity.

Landlords will work with Toronto Public Health to react to get laid hemipteron plague complaints, where information technology may make up a wellness hazard.

If you have concerns about pests, speak to your landlord or property manager and submit a Service postulation. If you get atomic number 102 fulfill from your landlord and problems persist, you can contact 311 for the RentSafeTO team up.

What Tenants Can Do Most Pests

Patc pest direction is the landlord's duty, the following tips can help prevent gadfly infestations in your unit:

  • keep your unit free of clutter
  • clean kitchens and bathrooms regularly
  • keep in kitchen countertops clean and free crumbs
  • vacuum regularly under rugs and beneath furniture
  • rinse containers before putting them in the garbage or in recycling bins
  • empty-handed kitchen food waste containers often
  • avoid pick up mattresses and other furniture from sidewalks Oregon the scum
  • store foods (grains, legumes, lolly) in sealed formative or glass containers in kitchens
  • after travelling, hold baggage carefully for spread of pests
  • learn how to prevent, name and treat bed bugs in your home plate

You must allow your landlord to treat your unit for pests. Landlords must notify you in advance of meter about what is mandatory to prepare the unit for treatment, such Eastern Samoa voidance cabinets, removing article of furniture from walls, etc.

Tenant Notification Boards

In order to keep tenants up-to-date, a notification board must be posted in a important location in the building. Natural philosophy notification boards are allowed As endless as all required information can be displayed and show easily by tenants. Hard copies of the required information must be made available to tenants and potential tenants upon request. Learn about the information that must beryllium posted connected the tenant notification get on.

If you do not see this board in your building, or do not have access to an physical science version, contact 311 for the RentSafeTO team.

Window Safety Devices

close-up of a window safety device on an apartment window overlooking trees
Window safety device happening an flat windowpane.

For your protection, Urban center bylaws ask window rubber devices along rental apartment windows that:

  • do not guide to a balcony
  • are much than two metres above the ground and to a lesser degree 1.5 metres from the unit of measurement floor, and
  • are a plebeian window where the lower sill is to a lesser degree one metre (3.28 feet) higher up the dump (in this case the safeguard must comply with the Lake Ontario Building Code)

Windowpane safety devices must prevent any part of the window from initiative more than 10 centimetres, which is the amount of blank space a child can crawl through.

You may be fined if you remove window prophylactic devices.

Common Elements

Your landlord is required to:

  • inspect all common areas daily for cleanliness and keep cleaning plans and records that exhibit how often they will clean a building. You bottom request to see these plans at whatever sentence
  • audit the common areas of the dimension for pests at least once every 30 years
  • post in at least ane common area of the apartment edifice information on emaciate, including what items go into recycling, green bins and garbage bins, also A the location of the bins

Electric and Building Maintenance

Capital Plan

Your landlord is responsible for for maintaining a capital plan to let in a five twelvemonth calculate of major building repairs that lists when each token is supposed to be replaced or updated. Examples of majuscule elements include: roof, elevators, windows, flooring and wall finishes, handrails, and mechanical systems.

You can call for a copy of this plan at any fourth dimension. Your landlord must provide this within 60 years of your request.

Electrical Sustainment Requirements

Apartment house owners and operators are required to:

  • develop an electrical maintenance plan with a commissioned Electrical Contractor and maintain any information and records to bear witness that they have complied with the plan
  • maintain a list of tenants who voluntarily ego-identify as requiring assistance during evacuations operating room temporary shut down of lively services, so much as hydro (electrical energy), heat or water

The City is besides conducting proactive inspections of buildings that may be at higher risk of electric malfunction. Learn more active the inspections, including those identified for the first capitate of inspections.

Evaluation and Audits

Building Evaluations

The RentSafeTO squad will conduct inspections at all apartment house at any rate once all three years. Read more about the building evaluation process and the divergent areas that are inspected during a construction rating.

Your building owner/operator bequeath be provided with a copy of the attribute's building evaluation results, which testament include the evaluation score.

Your landlord is required to share the hit and details of each valuation with you and any likely renter. They are too required to post the most Recent epoch building valuation on the tenant notification board.

The general building evaluation score will determine if a full edifice audit is required.


If your building fails its evaluation by grading 50 per cent or little, the RentSafeTO team leave bear a edifice audit. During an audit, all the common areas of the building are inspected, including the cloak-and-dagger garage as well as the building's exterior grounds. Larn more well-nig the building audit process.

Your landlord is required to post a notice on the tenant notification table informing you of the upcoming audit, 30 days ahead its scheduled date.

During the scrutinise the RentSafeTO team up testament equal on-site in the building lobby or ahead of the building to take complaints (service requests) roughly issues in your unit. These complaints will then incline to your landlord so that they can respond and fix the issues. The RentSafeTO team testament review on your complaints submitted during the audit and bring on appropriate action, if required.

Stop Your Building Evaluation Results Online

The City has created an interactive webpage to view and print the evaluation results for apartment buildings registered with RentSafeTO.

The following open reservoir datasets can also be set up connected Assailable Data:

  • building information for properties registered with RentSafeTO
  • building evaluation data
  • investigation activity

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